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IRTrans => Xantech Wiring

PostPosted: Sun 15. Feb 2009, 11:56
by nicb
Hi, I have recently received my IRTrans and it (with iRed) is working great. I now want to connect it to my existing Xantech based IR distribution and I'm not clear on the connections.

On the Xantech there is the 'serial bus' with the following connections:

A. +12VDC
B. Ground
C. Status
D. IR In

Plus the 3.5mm outputs which typically have IR emitters connected:

E. IR out -
F. IR out +

On the IRTrans I have the following connections on the mini-DIN connector:

1. Ground
2. Supply Voltage
3. Data I/O
4. +5V stabilised voltage
5. Relay 1
6. IR out +
7. IR out -
8. Relay 2

If I connect 7 to B and 8 to D. Then I can send signals from IRTRans on to the Xantech bus. Which is half of what I want. But I. struggling to get the IRTrans to recognise signals out of the Xantect.

My expectation was that I could place an IR emitter from the Xantech on the IRTrans and that would just work. But it doesn't :( The IRTrans does not see the signals, which I don't understand. If I use an IR blaster then the IRTRans will see the signal, but this is less than optimal because I may get stray signals.

So my question is, can I connect E & F directly to the IRTrans? If so, where??? E to 1 and F to 3? I don't want to break anything...

Thanks in advance.

Re: IRTrans => Xantech Wiring

PostPosted: Sun 15. Feb 2009, 16:42
by IRTrans
the IRTrans USB devices do not have any IR Input. Even devices with IR Input (e.g. IRTrans Ethernet) will need a demodulated IR Input (without Carrier frequency), therefore a direct connection will not work.

Placing a Xantech Emitter on the IRTrans should work - where exactly did you place the IR Emitter ?


Re: IRTrans => Xantech Wiring

PostPosted: Thu 25. Feb 2010, 04:02
by joshhall6
I have the same setup and I use a GC-CGX converter. It converts the 5v irtrans to the 12v Xantech. I have a IrTrans with two outputs and I use two GC-CGX converters to provide two different outputs. The converter provides an isolation between the two and allows me to directly connect them.

Re: IRTrans => Xantech Wiring

PostPosted: Sun 1. Aug 2010, 14:08
by ocgltd
I'm trying to do something similar, and am a bit confused by the above. I want to connect the IR OUTPUT of my IRTrans Ethernet to the IR INPUT on my Xantech.

Does the IRTrans use a two connection 3.5mm plug (like mono audio plug) for IR output? Is the tip the signal and the ring ground?

The Xantech uses 3 input (grnd/+v/signal) terminals. Can I simply connect the tip of the IRTrans plug to the signal input on Xantech, and ring of the IRTRans to the Ground of the Xantech?


Re: IRTrans => Xantech Wiring

PostPosted: Sun 1. Aug 2010, 16:14
by IRTrans
no idea if that works - we would not recommend it.


Re: IRTrans => Xantech Wiring

PostPosted: Sun 1. Aug 2010, 16:36
by ocgltd
Can you confirm the emitter jack on the IRTrans Ethernet is 2 connections, TIP=signal, RING=gnd?

Re: IRTrans => Xantech Wiring

PostPosted: Sun 1. Aug 2010, 17:28
by IRTrans
No, it is different: GND (Foot) is switched - Tip is connected to +3,3V DC.


Re: IRTrans => Xantech Wiring

PostPosted: Mon 27. Dec 2010, 05:48
by ckeyes
I'd just like to confirm that using the IRtrans USB pin out 7 to ground and 8 to IR in on the Xantech connecting block will work to get an IR signal into the block?
Anyone else tried this?



Re: IRTrans => Xantech Wiring

PostPosted: Wed 29. Dec 2010, 06:39
by ckeyes
It would seem that this is a rather dead forum. Has anyone found one that is active?

Re: IRTrans => Xantech Wiring

PostPosted: Wed 29. Dec 2010, 13:49
by ocgltd
I eventually built an optoisollator (lots of simple 1 chip circuits on the internet)

I couldn't get an answer that didn't feel CYA