Appreciate the comments about the manuals. I know it's tough. From my own experience I can just say that a short introduction with a general overview of the system and its components, capabilities and applications in more general terms was what I missed the most. The site quickly gets down to technical details but that's tough to read if you don't know what you're looking at yet. Some basic flowchart or component overview would have been nice when I first got to know irTrans.
Three smaller questions to finsh with:
- The irTrans WiFi seems to work fine on a USB power adapter (supplies 5V @ max 800mA) with a USB-to-powerplug cable - does this damage the unit at all?
- Can you (or I) retrofit an AUX RS232 option into a module? It's not just the cable right? Probably need to send it to you for modification?
- What happens to the responses that an RS232 device sends back? I suspect it gets sent over UDP (if the checkbox is ticked) - does the HTTP or TCP/IP interface provide any feedback from serial devices?