by Friso » Tue 2. Oct 2012, 19:47
I've been doing more research.
In the current setup I have 2 IRTrans modules active, both are WiFi + DB.
Module A has IR firmware 6.08.30, module B has IR firmware 6.08.42.
Both have had their IR DB configured to have blank fields under 'Status OK' and 'Status ERROR'.
When I broadcast a command that module A knows and module B does not know, module A executes the command and B keeps quiet (as I would expect).
When I broadcast a command that module B knows and module A does not know, module B executes the command but A sends 'Error: unknown remote etc.'
So it seems that the module with the newer firmware responds correcty while the older firmware still sends an error.
Has something changed in the latest firmware with regards to this behaviour?
Friso Gosliga