I'm using my IRTrans Ethernet for more than 5 years now and today I wanted to switch from the IRServer64 that's running on one of my Windows VM's to irserver on ARM processor.
I managed to build irserver on a Raspberry Pi with "make arm_noccf", but that renders all my .rem files useless.
That's because I only use ccf codes in the .rem files and I don't have those codes in ccf file format (so that I could convert them to IRTrans REM format).
So I'm stuck I guess... But I read in the German section of this forum that there is a ccf.o object file available, but that it ain't suitable for all ARM CPU's.
However, I've also got a CubieTruck (http://www.cubietruck.com/) with Cortex A7; would the object file work on that machine?
If so, that would save me a lot of hassle, thanks!