My (current) setup:
- IRTrans Ethernet IRDB (2010)
- IRTrans Server running on a windows machine, having many remotes/commands defined and connected to the IRTrans Ethernet device
... hoping to be able to migrate to:
- IRTrans Ethernet IRDB (2010)
- IRTrans Server running on a Mac Mini, having many remotes/commands defined and connected to the IRTrans Ethernet device
I recently started playing with irserver in a docker container on the Mac Mini. See github repository ( for dockerfile.
I'm able to start the container as
- Code: Select all
docker run -p 8081:8081 -p 21000:21000 -p 21000:21000/udp -it --rm ihomeautomate/irserver -timestamp -http_port 8081 -loglevel 4 <irtrans ethernet device ip>
Within the container, irserver tries to locate the irtrans ethernet device, and with output:
censored irserver log wrote:2017-12-24 11:41:19.642 Init Server Socket done
2017-12-24 11:41:19.642 IRServer64 Version 6.09.04
2017-12-24 11:41:19.642 Init Events done
2017-12-24 11:41:19.684 Name : IRTrans LAN
2017-12-24 11:41:19.684 Version: E6.05.50
2017-12-24 11:41:19.684 Capab : Power On; Dual Transmitter Drivers; IR Database; 128KB IR Flash;
2017-12-24 11:41:19.684 FW Cap : 0x83186371
2017-12-24 11:41:19.684 FW Cap2: 0xc95a1c67
2017-12-24 11:41:19.684 Node :
2017-12-24 11:41:19.684 Init communication ...
2017-12-24 11:41:19.684 [ 0]: IRTrans LAN : IR VER: E6.05.50 ETH VER: L1.09.10 SN: XXXXX
2017-12-24 11:41:19.684 Chdir to DB OK
2017-12-24 11:41:19.684 Read routing OK
2017-12-24 11:41:19.684 Read Switches OK
2017-12-24 11:41:19.684 Open DIR: 11
2017-12-24 11:41:19.684 Get Dirent: 512
2017-12-24 11:41:19.691 Total: 11 Remotes - 31 Timings - 381 Commands - 0 Calib. Commands
2017-12-24 11:41:19.691 0 Togglec. - 19 CCF Data - 0 CCF RAW - 1 CCF Error
2017-12-24 11:41:19.691 IRTrans Webserver started on Port 8081.
2017-12-24 11:41:19.691 ACK2 Error: 200!
2017-12-24 11:41:19.692 ACK2 Error: 200!
AFAIK it can reach the ethernet device, but unfortunately it thinks the ethernet device IP address is, which is some internal docker networking bridge address, and certainly not the original <irtrans ethernet device ip> parameter. When trying to actually execute an IR command, it'll never happen since doesn't reach the actual hardware device.
Some help would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure if this would actually work, we can document this for the irtrans community to benefit from.