EIBPort UDP Send Job Repeat.

Using the IRTrans for EIB / KNX control

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EIBPort UDP Send Job Repeat.

Postby armonis » Tue 3. Jan 2012, 21:01

Dear IRTrans,
I have set up a job inside EIBPort editor using the IP address of IRTrans LAN at the port 21000. Please see attached screen shot.
When I send the EIB telegram 7/0/2(1/0/2) at the BUS, the IRTrans led blinks 2 times and respectively send the specified IR command two times.

When using the HTTP option ( I get the message "IR Code sent" and the led blinks correctly one time as it should.

When using the GUI with Send IR Code option, the devise also behaves correctly.

My problem is only with EIBPort Visualization.

Please help.
Screen shot from the EIBport Job editor.
IRtrans.jpg (81.21 KiB) Viewed 343472 times
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Re: EIBPort UDP Send Job Repeat.

Postby IRTrans » Tue 3. Jan 2012, 21:32

no idea what might cause that.

I have seen that once or twice due to problems in the network that caused packages to loop.

You might use a tool like Packetyzer or WireShark to see what happens in your network.

You could also ask the EIBPort people for help as we do not know that device and programming in detail.

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Re: EIBPort UDP Send Job Repeat.

Postby armonis » Tue 3. Jan 2012, 22:31

Thank you for the very fast reply.
I m running wireshark.
When I send the KNX telegram, there is no traffic associated with port 21000 or the IP address of IR Trans! Which IP address should be monitored?
Is there any option inside IR Trans to send duplicates?
Thank you.
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Joined: Tue 3. Jan 2012, 20:44

Re: EIBPort UDP Send Job Repeat.

Postby IRTrans » Wed 4. Jan 2012, 09:10

when using Wireshark in a switched Network please note that packets are not sent to other ports of the switch. You will need a switch with a monitoring port to do that.

The IRTrans has got no option to send duplicated IR Codes.

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Re: EIBPort UDP Send Job Repeat.

Postby armonis » Wed 4. Jan 2012, 20:37

You are correct. There was a network issue causing the problem. There was a loop on the ...monitoring port of our switch!
I also believe that itwould be nice to have a manual with screenshots about what we accomplished with your hardware and eibport. We have programmed it to turn on the lights in our office via a standard tv remote control!!! I am willing to write such a manual for you if you want.
Thank you very much!
N. Armonis
Hellas Digital
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Re: EIBPort UDP Send Job Repeat.

Postby IRTrans » Thu 5. Jan 2012, 08:48

thank you for the info.

Of course we are always happy about any info and docs we can get :D

Especially as we cannot test all combinations as we simply do not have all the hardware in our office.

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