gathering intel

Buying IRTrans devices

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gathering intel

Postby Snelvuur » Sat 20. Jun 2009, 16:36

My situation:

I have 1 main "cable" room, all cables comes to this room including a pc which will do all the work.

I have a living room/kitchen/bedroom which has IR devices in it (all on different floors) except the livingroom can look down on the kitchen room...

So far i think i would need a ethernet lan version, with 3 irbus modules. My questions would be is:

1. Is this the correct choice?
2. the ir bus cables, how many wires do i need to pull from room to "server" room? From what i read it should be 3 (2 if i dont want power)
3. if i send a command to irbus 2 device, which is located in the livingroom to turn the philips tv off, if i have a same model tv from philips in the kitchen, wont it turn off that t.v. aswell since the signals are powerfull? (and if so, whats the best way to prevent this?)

Maybe a mixed post of marketing of hardware, but any insights would be appreciated.

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Re: gathering intel

Postby IRTrans » Sun 21. Jun 2009, 11:49

Hi Eric,
regarding your questions:

1. You cannot connect IR Bus modules to a standard Ethernet Device. Only USB modules, RS232 modules and the LAN Controllers support bus modules.
Of course you can use multiple ethernet devices.

2. That is correct: Two wires without power and 3 wires including power.

3. You can use external stick-on transmitters for the TV sets - then only one device will receive the IR signal.

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Re: gathering intel

Postby Snelvuur » Sun 21. Jun 2009, 14:19

I was referring to a LAN version :-) i should have said irtrans LAN controller..

I understand you can use stickies to place the eye's on the devices, but i like to have my devices "in sight". A big receiver just looks nice, and sticking a IR eye on the receiver does not look that "nice" ..

Problem is that the devices are not always "placed together" so i cannot always use "wired" , i only have enough wires also to only put 1 irtans (irbus module) in each room.

I think its just best to choose a different brand t.v. for in the kitchen, since that the only thing holding me back ;)
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Re: gathering intel

Postby IRTrans » Sun 21. Jun 2009, 15:00

You do not need to place Stick-On transmitters on all the devices - they are only needed for the ones with similar IR Codes.
You can control via software which IR Transmitter is used (internal or external).

It is also possible to open the TV and place the transmitters inside the case near the IR Receiver.

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Re: gathering intel

Postby Snelvuur » Sun 21. Jun 2009, 19:31

Thats also a nice approach, i'll go for the "get another tv option" since i want the ir module to just "hang" somewhere, i cant reach a single tv then with a seperate cable (and i dont have wires to it either) a picture would say more in this case..

Thanks for your help, at least i am clear what to get.. i can always place a IR module in such a way it will send the signal to the kitchen and living room :) (still need seperate tv's though) but i can live with that.
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