My situation:
I have 1 main "cable" room, all cables comes to this room including a pc which will do all the work.
I have a living room/kitchen/bedroom which has IR devices in it (all on different floors) except the livingroom can look down on the kitchen room...
So far i think i would need a ethernet lan version, with 3 irbus modules. My questions would be is:
1. Is this the correct choice?
2. the ir bus cables, how many wires do i need to pull from room to "server" room? From what i read it should be 3 (2 if i dont want power)
3. if i send a command to irbus 2 device, which is located in the livingroom to turn the philips tv off, if i have a same model tv from philips in the kitchen, wont it turn off that t.v. aswell since the signals are powerfull? (and if so, whats the best way to prevent this?)
Maybe a mixed post of marketing of hardware, but any insights would be appreciated.